Los Angeles, CA 90033
Friday, November 13 7PM
Dirty Looks: Los Angeles, Semiotext(e) + 356 Mission Road present
A Coupla White Faggots Sitting Around Talking (1980)
a videotape by Michel Auder, screenplay by Gary Indiana
with Gary Indiana, Taylor Mead, Cookie Mueller, Jackie Curtis + Alice Neel
Preceded by John Boskovich, North (2001)
A Coupla White Faggots Sitting Around Talking is a feature-length videotape by Michel Auder, whose diaristic approaches to the everyday collide here with the satirical theatricality of screenwriter and performer, Gary Indiana. Indiana, whose Last Seen Exiting the Biltmore [Semiotext(e)] reproduces the original screenplay for this and other performative works, found underground renown for theatrical production for works like The Roman Polanski Story and Alligator Girls Go to College with a troupe that included local fixtures Taylor Mead, Cookie Mueller, Bill Rice and (nearly) Jack Smith. A snarky retort on the Off-Broadway hit at the time, A Coupla White Chicks Sitting Around Talking, Faggots is a hilarious platform for the pithy and scene stealing cast.
Directed by artist and filmmaker John Boskovich (Without You I'm Nothing), North, features Gary Indiana reading from Louis-Ferdinand Céline's novel of the same title.
Michel Auder’s fragmented, layered videos document and reimagine everyday existence. The artist began letting his camera roll on friends, family, strangers, and his environment in the late 1960s and soon developed a near-constant filming practice. The resulting thousands of hours of footage—shot on devices ranging from the first portable recorders to mobile phone cameras—include biographical portraits, travelogues, and images shot directly from television screens.