2025 E 4th Street
Long Beach, CA 90814
The inaugural 2022 LBO FILM FESTIVAL will run for two full days and will include film screenings, live performances, and access to local businesses and restaurants throughout the weekend. Curated by LBO Artistic Director, James Darrah, with a 12-hour Saturday program curated by Bradford Nordeen of Dirty Looks.
Saturday, July 16th
12:00 PM
Ulrike Ottinger, Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse (Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Yellow Press), German (English subtitles), 35mm on DCP, 150mins., 1984
2:50 PM
Werner Shroeter, Eika Katappa, 16mm on DCP, 144mins., 1969
5:30 PM
Teo Hernandez, Salome, super-8mm on DCP, 65mins., 1976
featuring a live score performed by Dorian Wood
Preceded by Stephanie Barber, Oh My Homeland, 16mm on DV, 4mins., 2019
7:15 PM
Ron Athey + Hermes Pittakos, Pasiphäe, The Witch Queen of Crete: A Glory Hole Origin Story, 10mins., digital video, 2021 (premiere)
featuring a live score and performance procession by Ron Athey, Xiu Xiu, and Anna Schubert.
8:45 PM
Charles Atlas, Son of Sam and Delilah, video, 27mins., 1991
Mariah Garnett, The Pow'r of Life is Love, 4k video, 13mins., 2021 (theatrical premiere)
An original film score performed live by Julianna Barwick, 40 min., 2022
10:30 PM
John Coney, Space is the Place, 35mm on DCP, 85min., 1974
Production for Pasiphaë was organized by Dirty Looks Inc., shot on location at the Philosophical Research Society and was funded in part by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and The Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts.