531 3rd Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11215
Last Dance: Dirty Looks at the End of Days
with MIX NYC
Stephanie Barber, Healing, 2012, 12 min., video
Harry Dodge, Ipse Dixit, 2011, 4 min., video
Steve Reinke + Jessie Mott, A Day for Cake and Accidents, 2013, 5 min., video
Nao Bustamante, Tableau, 2013, 17 min., video
Michael Robinson, If There Be Thorns, 2008, 13 min., 16mm on video
Cary Cronenwett + Zaka Chery Claudel, For Flo, 2013, 13 min., 16mm and video on video
A.K. Burns, Earthship, 2014, 2013, 8 min., video
Luther Price, Inside Velvet K, 2006, 10 min., 16mm
This is how the world ends? Dirty Looks NYC returns to MIX with a program that queers our Armageddon via explosive clip art, 16mm educational films, hypnosis, and, yes, Madonna. Radio frequencies orchestrate a din of broadcast conspiracies as A.K. Burns hangs in the balance by an S&M harness. Nao Bustamante trains her lens on Joshua Thorson, who, in turn, grapples with a pesky tween neighbor destined to star in his post-apocalyptic film, while Michael Robinson weaves new meaning through the words of V.C. Andrews, William S. Burroughs, Shirley Jackson and Stevie Nicks on some lonely tropical isle. This is the end, via subtlety, screen savers and sublimation. Stand back.