55 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
-Filmmaker in Person-
Son of Sam and Delilah, Video, 27min., 1991
Butcher’s Vogue, Video, 5min., 1990
Staten Island Sex Cult, Video, 10 min. (excerpt), 1999
Instant Fame! Donald, Video, 5min., 2005
Mrs. Peanut Visits New York, Video, 6min., 1992-99
The Draglinquents, Video, 7min., 1990
"I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy" (from Turning), Video, 4min., 2012
“New York City 1988. Raging homophobia. A killer on the loose. Disco dancing till dawn. Performers struggle to survive. Delilah seduces Samson in song. Gender illusionists go shopping."
Samson and Delilah, 1991.
Dirty Looks presents an evening of video work by Charles Atlas. With a career that spans 30-years, Atlas is one of the world’s most stalwart and vibrant videogrpahers of queer cultures and contemporary dance. This program will host a premiere of material from Turning, a feature-length collaboration between Atlas and Antony Hegarty, on the eve of the Museum of Modern Art commissioned Antony and the Johnsons' Swanlights performance at Radio City Music Hall. Turning will premiere in early 2012. Atlas will also be featured in the upcoming 2012 Whitney Biennial. With special performances from Leigh Bowery, Antony, and Carlos Morales (via Atlas' rarely screened porn film, Staten Island Sex Cult), the works in this program cover more than twenty years of portraiture and collaboration at the vanguard of queer artistic practice.